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This resource is part of the publication by Mu et al. (2022) "A global record of annual terrestrial Human Footprint dataset from 2000 to 2018". It is calculated based on 8 variables representing human pressures on natural ecosystems collected at a yearly cadence between 2000 and 2020 sampled at a 1km spatial resolution. The variables are used are the expansion of built environments (expressed as percentage of built-up areas within a grid cell), population density (aggregated at the gridd cell), nighttime lights, crop and pasture lands, roads and railways (excluding trails and minor roads), and navigable waterways (compares waterways with nighttime lights dataset). The human footprint was then calculated based on a weighting scheme proposed by Venter et al. (2016), assigning each pixel a value between 0 and 50, with 50 representing the theoretical value of the highest human pressure.


get_humanfootprint(years = 2000:2020)



A numeric vector indicating the years for which to download the human footprint data, defaults to 2000:2020.


A function that returns an sf footprint object.


It may be required to increase the timeout option to successfully download theses layers from their source location via e.g. options(timeout = 600). In case an 403 error occurs, you can create an account with Figshare and create an personal access token. If set as FIGSHARE_PAT environment variable, it will be used to authenticate.


Mu, H., Li, X., Wen, Y. et al. A global record of annual terrestrial Human Footprint dataset from 2000 to 2018. Sci Data 9, 176 (2022). doi:10.1038/s41597-022-01284-8