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register_resource() is used to register a new resource function with base information to the package's internal environment used to inform users about available resources. Note, registering a custom resource will only have effect for the current R session.

available_resources() returns a tibble of registered resources with basic information such as the source and the licence.


  name = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  licence = NULL,
  source = NULL,
  type = NULL

available_resources(resources = NULL)



A character vector indicating the name of the resource.


A character vector with a basic description


A character vector indicating the licence of the resource. In case it is a custom licence, put a link to the licence text.


Optional, preferably a URL where the data is found.


A character vector indicating the type of the resource. Either 'vector' or 'raster'.


If NULL returns a list of all resources (default). Otherwise only the ones specified.


register_resource() is called for the side-effect of registering a resource.

available_resources() returns a tibble listing available resources.


# \dontrun{
  name = "gfw_treecover",
  description = "Global Forest Watch - Percentage of canopy closure in 2000",
  licence = "CC-BY 4.0",
  source = "",
  type = "raster"
# }
#> # A tibble: 35 × 5
#>    name                          description                licence source type 
#>    <chr>                         <chr>                      <chr>   <chr>  <chr>
#>  1 accessibility_2000            Accessibility data for th… See JR… https… rast…
#>  2 biodiversity_intactness_index Biodiversity Intactness I… CC-BY-… https… rast…
#>  3 chelsa                        Climatologies at High res… Unknow… https… rast…
#>  4 chirps                        Climate Hazards Group Inf… CC - u… https… rast…
#>  5 esalandcover                  Copernicus Land Monitorin… CC-BY … https… rast…
#>  6 fritz_et_al                   Drivers of deforestation … CC-BY … https… rast…
#>  7 gfw_emissions                 Global Forest Watch - CO2… CC-BY … https… rast…
#>  8 gfw_lossyear                  Global Forest Watch - Yea… CC-BY … https… rast…
#>  9 gfw_treecover                 Global Forest Watch - Per… CC-BY … https… rast…
#> 10 gfw_treecover                 Global Forest Watch - Per… CC-BY … https… rast…
#> # ℹ 25 more rows