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This resource is part of the publication by Noon et al. (2022) "Mapping the irrecoverable carbon in Earth’s ecosystems". This publication differentiates between 3 different kinds of carbon with varying degrees of manageability by humans. All three layers are available for above and below ground carbon, as well as a layer combining the two.






A function that returns a character vector of file paths.


It may be required to increase the timeout option to successfully download theses layers from their source location via e.g. options(timeout = 600).

Irrecoverable carbon is defined as the amount of carbon, that, if lost today, cannot be recovered until mid 21st century (so within 30 years, considering the publication date).

Vulnerable carbon is defined as the amount of carbon that would be lost in a hypothetical but typical conversion event (without including information of the probability of such an event to be actually occurring).

Manageable carbon is defined as all land areas, expect cyrosols, because carbon loss is driven by direct land-use conversion which could be halted or because climate change impacts affecting the area can potentially be directly mitigated through adaptive management.


Noon, M.L., Goldstein, A., Ledezma, J.C. et al. Mapping the irrecoverable carbon in Earth’s ecosystems. Nat Sustain 5, 37–46 (2022).