This sections describes how to install the {mapme.classification} package. Because the package handles some spatial data, we assume that you have a working installation of GDAL and PROJ on your system. Please refer to the respective installation guides to learn about how to install these programms on you OS.

Windows users additionally will have to install the rtools software for a successful installation of the {mapme.vegetation} package from source.

The installation of the {mapme.classification} package is then achieved trough the following function call:


The installation process will install potential missing R dependencies. After the successfull installation, you are ready to use the package’s functionality. Simply load the package for your R session with the library call:


Note, that in order to use specific model algorithms via the caret package, you might need to install certain system requirements manually. If that is the case you will be informed which packages to install when calling the modeling function. Refer to the column Library to learn the name of the R package for a certain algorithm under this link.