The mapme.vegetation package allows us to easily download and work with Sentinel-2 (S2) Level 2A datasets. These datasets represent bottom of atmosphere (BOA) reflectance values processed with sen2cor. The data is made available via the Earth Search STAC API from AWS. mapme.vegetation can be used to query the server for a given spatio-temporal extent of interest and download matching results. S2 download from AWS is free of cost and does not require a user account. However, users should be aware that there is a maximum of 500 items per query. In case the spatio-temporal extent will lead to more items it is up to the user to split up the query into suitable chunks. The package allows for querying the data without a direct download in order to check the items returned.

#> Linking to GEOS 3.10.2, GDAL 3.4.1, PROJ 8.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE

aoi = st_read(system.file("extdata", "exp_region_wgs.gpkg", package = "mapme.vegetation"), quiet = T)
bbox = st_bbox(aoi)
rundir = file.path(tempdir(), "mapme.vegetation")
dir.create(rundir, showWarnings = F)

items = download_aws(bbox = bbox, 
                      after = "2017-05-01", 
                      before = "2017-07-31", 
                      timeframe = "full", 
             = 40, 
                      query_only = TRUE)
#> STAC version: 1.0.0-beta.2
#> Querying data for temporal window 2017-05-01/2017-07-31
#> The following items matched the specified spatiotemporal extent.
#> ###STACItemCollection
#> - matched feature(s): 11
#> - features (11 item(s) / 0 not fetched):
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20170727_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170722_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20170717_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170712_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20170707_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170702_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170622_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170612_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170602_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170523_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170503_0_L2A
#> - assets: 
#> AOT, B01, B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08, B09, B11, B12, B8A, info, metadata, overview, SCL, thumbnail, visual, WVP
#> - item's fields: 
#> assets, bbox, collection, geometry, id, links, properties, properties.sentinel:boa_offset_applied, stac_extensions, stac_version, type

The query resulted in 11 items matching the spatio-temporal extent with a maximum cloud cover of 40%. We can proceed downloading the data by setting query_only = FALSE and supply additional arguments of where to write the files

items = download_aws(bbox = bbox, 
                     after = "2017-05-01", 
                     before = "2017-07-31", 
                     timeframe = "full", 
            = 40, 
                     outdir = rundir, 
                     query_only = FALSE)

The above call with download the data sequentially. As a alternative mapme.vegetation allows to download the data via the aria2 download utility. User’s have to install the program manually on their machine and indicate the path to the aria2 binary. Additionall arguments are required to specify how many connections to the server should be established to download matching items in parallel. The function call below will download 4 items in parallel with a total of 4 connections per file to further speed up the download. Also, the retry argument can be set to specify the number of time the the function will retry to download items for which the download failed.

items = download_aws(bbox = bbox, 
                     after = "2017-05-01", 
                     before = "2017-07-30", 
                     timeframe = "full", 
            = 40, 
                     outdir = rundir, 
                     query_only = FALSE,
                     use_aria = T,
                     aria_bin = "/usr/bin/aria2c", 
                     max_concurrent = 4, 
                     max_connections = 4,
                     retry = 1)

Note that in the above function calls timeframe = "full". This way, the function will download all the matching items between the after and before dates (inclusive). If you want to request only specific months but across years specify timeframe = "seasonal" to loop over the years and download the matching time period. Note that the items are returned as a list with each object representing one of the queried years.

items = download_aws(bbox = bbox, 
                      after = "2017-05-01", 
                      before = "2020-07-30", 
                      timeframe = "seasonal", 
             = 40, 
                      query_only = TRUE)
#> STAC version: 1.0.0-beta.2
#> Querying data for temporal window 2017-05-01/2017-07-30
#> The following items matched the specified spatiotemporal extent.
#> ###STACItemCollection
#> - matched feature(s): 11
#> - features (11 item(s) / 0 not fetched):
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20170727_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170722_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20170717_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170712_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20170707_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170702_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170622_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170612_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170602_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170523_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20170503_0_L2A
#> - assets: 
#> AOT, B01, B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08, B09, B11, B12, B8A, info, metadata, overview, SCL, thumbnail, visual, WVP
#> - item's fields: 
#> assets, bbox, collection, geometry, id, links, properties, properties.sentinel:boa_offset_applied, stac_extensions, stac_version, type
#> Querying data for temporal window 2018-05-01/2018-07-30
#> The following items matched the specified spatiotemporal extent.
#> ###STACItemCollection
#> - matched feature(s): 17
#> - features (17 item(s) / 0 not fetched):
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20180727_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20180722_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20180717_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20180712_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20180707_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20180702_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20180627_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20180622_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20180617_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20180612_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20180607_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20180602_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20180528_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20180523_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20180513_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20180508_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20180503_0_L2A
#> - assets: 
#> AOT, B01, B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08, B09, B11, B12, B8A, info, metadata, overview, SCL, thumbnail, visual, WVP
#> - item's fields: 
#> assets, bbox, collection, geometry, id, links, properties, properties.sentinel:boa_offset_applied, stac_extensions, stac_version, type
#> Querying data for temporal window 2019-05-01/2019-07-30
#> The following items matched the specified spatiotemporal extent.
#> ###STACItemCollection
#> - matched feature(s): 17
#> - features (17 item(s) / 0 not fetched):
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20190727_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20190722_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20190717_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20190707_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20190702_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20190627_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20190622_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20190617_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20190612_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20190607_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20190528_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20190523_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20190518_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20190513_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20190508_1_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20190508_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20190503_0_L2A
#> - assets: 
#> AOT, B01, B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08, B09, B11, B12, B8A, info, metadata, overview, SCL, thumbnail, visual, WVP
#> - item's fields: 
#> assets, bbox, collection, geometry, id, links, properties, properties.sentinel:boa_offset_applied, stac_extensions, stac_version, type
#> Querying data for temporal window 2020-05-01/2020-07-30
#> The following items matched the specified spatiotemporal extent.
#> ###STACItemCollection
#> - matched feature(s): 10
#> - features (10 item(s) / 0 not fetched):
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20200711_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20200706_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20200701_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20200626_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20200621_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20200616_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20200527_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20200522_0_L2A
#>   - S2A_38PLR_20200517_0_L2A
#>   - S2B_38PLR_20200512_0_L2A
#> - assets: 
#> AOT, B01, B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08, B09, B11, B12, B8A, info, metadata, overview, SCL, thumbnail, visual, WVP
#> - item's fields: 
#> assets, bbox, collection, geometry, id, links, properties, properties.sentinel:boa_offset_applied, stac_extensions, stac_version, type

If you are only interested in specific bands you can reduce the files to download by specyfing the assets you wish to download.

items = download_aws(bbox = bbox, 
                      after = "2017-05-01", 
                      before = "2017-07-30", 
                      timeframe = "full", 
                      assets = c("B02", "B04", "B08", "SCL"),
             = 40, 
                      query_only = F)