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This function constructs the necessary data URLs for a given data set, version and polygon and downloads them for further processing with the mapme.biodiversity package.


get_gsw_time_series(years, version = "LATEST")



Numeric vector of years to process between 1984 and 2021. Default: 1984:2021.


Version of the data set to process. Available options are (VER1-0, VER2-0, VER3-0, VER4-0, VER5-0 and LATEST) Default: LATEST. Choosing LATEST will result in the latest available version.


A function that returns a character vector of file paths.


The available surface water classes for a given pixel are the following:

  • No Observation: It was not possible to determine whether a pixel was water (this may be the case for frozen areas or during the polar night in extreme latitudes).

  • Permanent Water: Water was detected in twelve months per year or in a combination of permanent and no observation.

  • Seasonal Water: Water and no water was detected.

  • No Water: No Water was detected.