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register_indicator() is used to register a new indicator function with base information to the package's internal environment used to inform users about available indicators. Note, registering a custom indicator will only have effect for the current R session.

available_indicators() returns a tibble of registered indicators with basic information such as the required resources.


register_indicator(name = NULL, description = NULL, resources = NULL)

available_indicators(indicators = NULL)



A character vector indicating the name of the indicator.


A character vector with a basic description


A character vector of the required resources that need to be available to calculate the indicator. The names must correspond with already registered resources.


If NULL returns a list of all registered indicators (default). Otherwise only the ones specified.


register_indicator() is called for the side-effect of registering an indicator

available_resources() returns a tibble listing available indicators.


# \dontrun{
  name = "treecover_area",
  description = "Area of forest cover by year",
  resources = c(
# }
#> # A tibble: 26 × 3
#>    name                  description                                   resources
#>    <chr>                 <chr>                                         <list>   
#>  1 active_fire_counts    Number of detected fires by NASA FIRMS        <tibble> 
#>  2 biome                 Areal statistics of biomes from TEOW          <tibble> 
#>  3 deforestation_drivers Areal statistics of deforestation drivers     <tibble> 
#>  4 drought_indicator     Relative wetness statistics based on NASA GR… <tibble> 
#>  5 ecoregion             Areal statstics of ecoregions based on TEOW   <tibble> 
#>  6 elevation             Statistics of elevation based on NASA SRTM    <tibble> 
#>  7 fatalities            Number of fatalities by group of conflict ba… <tibble> 
#>  8 gsw_change            Statistics of the surface water change layer… <tibble> 
#>  9 gsw_occurrence        Areal statistic of surface water based on oc… <tibble> 
#> 10 gsw_recurrence        Areal statistic of surface water based on re… <tibble> 
#> # ℹ 16 more rows